Its Competition Time! - Design a Judo T-Shirt
Its competition time again here at Drake Judo Club with our two previous successful ones, the most random place wearing a Judo suit and the pebble art, we now present:-
'Design A Judo T-Shirt'
Its a very simple concept, simply design a Judo T-shirt on 2 pieces of A4 paper, one for the front design and one for the rear design and the submit your idea. We would really like the design to be a personal one, about you! and your Judo! so if you have a nickname or brand name (Bad Boy Bogdan, Capn Jack, The Chattering Assassin for Jake B) then design a logo and a tag line and get submitting, if you would prefer you can do a Drake slogan ''Fight like a Drake Girl'' that would be a good one ''id rather be doing Judo at Drake Judo Club'' isn't very original but works!,
The point is its up to you! Once you have finished you designs you can either hand them into Ross or take a photo and either post them to the Facebook page or email them to
You have until June the 30th to complete your design
We will choose 3 winners who will have their designs professionally made by Carl out IT person and designer and then they will be made into actual T-Shirts!. The overall winner's T-Shirt will be availble to buy in the Club Shop on the website! for all members and members of the public to purchase
This competition is open to ALL members including seniors!!
Good Luck and Get Designing!!