DJC Volunteers Meeting

On Thursday a few of the DJC parents and current volunteers got together at the George Pub for an informal chat an social,
DJC had grown rather rapidly over the last 2 years and to keep that going and functioning it takes a team of hard working volunteers.
For this of you who don't know DJC has a committee of 8 members and then a team of Volunteers alongside.
Volunteering can be anything and be as much or as little time as you like, from as little as giving someone a lift to training to holding an official role within DJC.
One exciting thing to come from last night was that Tony Murphy(and Lindsey) will be taking on social events as a responsibility, Tony who is already king of the get together will be looking at specific
'turn-up' events every quarter for different sections of the membership9 Juniors, Seniors, Male and female specific and joint events etc)
Although a number of people couldn't make the event i am pleased to say that everyone i spoke to said they would be happy to help in some capacity.
We will over the next few weeks have some advertisements for official volunteer positions so please keep a look out or walk the other way if you see me heading towards you! ;)