Ross Taylor
A message from Ross & Charles
Just a quick note on behalf of Charles and myself to say a few particular thankyou's for making our inaugural Inter-Club such a success.
First off a massive thank you to all of our members, we had about a fantastic turnout with only our senior members not taking part(this may be rectified at our next event)
Thankyou to parents for driving and in some cases hunting for the venue and thank you to all of our juniors who ALL fought with a positive attitude. This is something that Charles & I are keen to to foster
Thankyou to everyone who brought food along, it all looked very delicious a specail mention to Ollie who brought along personalised Drake judo Club cupcakes!
Thankyou to Dan for pretty much making sure all of our players and parents knew that the inter-club was happening, it was through his persistence that we had such a good turn-out, also taking entry fees, helping with mats, getting players prepared for contests and building our podium
Thankyou to Ros who provided us with some last minute medals after our supplier let us down, thanks to Giles to for helping shift mats
Thankyou to John for taking a whole host of official Drake Judo Club photos,
Thankyou to Andy who manned his very own time clock during all the contests which ensured they resembled 'proper' contests and provided all the Admin for todays event,
Thankyou to Andrea who with Jess set up all the buffet which was all eaten in about 5 minutes
Thankyou to Jess, who arrived early and along with Andrea set up all of our lunch buffet and provided first aid and encouragement to our players
Thankyou to Clive who arrived early and helped with set-up
Thankyou to Jack, who refereed our teeny contest, and presented medals
To anyone else i have forgotten i am truly appreciative
Many Thanks
Ross & Charles