Senior Randori Session @ FLO

Sunday the 2nd of June saw a small team of us 'old uns' head down to Flo Martial Arts Centre for a Randori session organised by Mark and Kylie
It was an extremely good turnout especially in the female high grades department, with clubs from Cornwall, Devon and Somerset all coming together, this pays tribute to M&K's network of Judo friends

the 2hour session consisted of roughly one hour of 3 minutes standing fights and then moved on to Ne-Waza
The FLO Martial arts centre is one of the top destinations for Martial Arts in the country and offers a multitude of instruction in many styles
One good thing is the main tatami mat is very soft and springy which is good for those of us who are trying to avoid any niggling injuries
This was also the debut session for Cordelia Gregory who recently obtained her Shodan(1st Dan) grade.
More dates will be posted soon including some female only sessions which will hopefully become a mainstay on the calendar