DJC Announces New Satellite Club and Black Belt link with Plymstock School

Drake Judo Club is pleased to announce that we have agreed a formal Black Belt link with Plymstock School. This means we will be starting a satellite club within the school, which will be delivered on a weekly basis on Tuesday afternoon/evening.

This is following a demonstration/taster session that we delivered last week for Sports Relief, which was very well received with the Headmaster Mr Diment (himself a black belt) throwing DJC Coach Ross all over the place.
DJC already have a current black belt link and satellite club with Tavistock College, this will now enable us to deliver Judo to youngsters from the age of 11 through to 18 in both locations. Our Tavistock College link has proved very fruitful, with 2 new members from this class recently medalling in competition.
We hope to replicate what we have achieved in Tavistock at Plymstock, with the aim that delivering sessions to the school will help bring Judo to a wider audience of children and young people in Plymouth.

The bad boy of DJC, Bogdan will be attending Plymstock School in September and other former students of Mike, Ross and Charles already attend the school and have got in touch to say they should be attending.
The class will take place every Tuesday in term time from 3.30pm until 4.30pm and will be aimed at fast tracking players from beginner to intermediate, we will be welcoming all ages. Our first session will commence on Tuesday the 24th of April
In line with our delivery and development policy these School classes are free of charge and DJC donates the time of the coach for free also.
Plymstock School is also where high flying judo siblings Cordelia and Max Gregory attend, (Cordelia assisted with the taster session for Sports Relief) you can read about their exploits at the Scottish Open by clicking the link below their picture

The class will be coached by DJC Junior coach Ross Taylor, 1st Dan Black Belt

For those of you who are unaware a Black Belt link is part of our commitment through Clubmark and School2Dojo to develop relationships with local schools, there are three ranks Yellow, Blue and Black belt link, we currently have a yellow belt link with Whitchurch Primary, a Black belt link with Tavistock College and a current application with the school in Ashburton.
If you have a child who currently attends Plymstock School or who has been given a place in September please don't hesitate in getting in contact.