Ross Taylor
More Gradings @ Drake Judo Club
So we had a few of our Judoka who were not able to make the grading last week and there's the seniors who were in the right place at the right time but turned away as the juniors were hogging all the mat time
Therefore on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday the subsequent gradings took place with Mike & Ross doing the examining for the Mon and Kyu and Champ Ros doing assessing for the Sho
First up was our 'Pocket Rocket' Guilia on Wednesday who passed her 3rd Mon(rumours that the grading was conducted in Italian were unfounded :)
Friday night saw George pass his Orange SHO grade, with his usual brand of Bettey enthusiaim followed by Conor who successfully negotiated Yellow SHO and impressed Ros
Then we had Josh, Angus, Leo, Conor and Flo who all successfully completed their respective exams
Then moving swiftly to Saturday, we had Felix and Max achieve their 1st SHO
Then siblings Izzy and Oliver took 2nd Mon and 4th Mon(yellow) belt
Finally club captain Jack Murphy circumnavigated the Blue belt grading very well
Lastly the seniors Rob and Dom took there first step to Black belt with their 6th Kyu grading
Full results were as follows
Felix - 1st SHO
Max - 1st SHO
George - 3rd SHO
Conor - 2nd SHO
Izzy - 2nd MON
Oliver - 4th MON
Guilia - 3rd MON
Leo - 3rd MON
Josh - 1st MON
Angus - 2nd MON
Flo - 2nd MON
Captain Jack - 13th Mon
Rob - 6th KYU
Dom - 6th KYU
DJC have graded 41 individuals in the last 2 weeks and moving forward next year we will be dedicating specific Sundays in Tavistock where we will hold Pre-Grading workshops and then have the exam at the end of the day
Well done to everyone
Mike, Ros & Ross