Grading @ Drake Judo Club
Friday the 6th and Saturday the 7th of October was a time of assessing skill and knowledge in the form of Examinations
For our under 8's it was SHO grades, assessed by Ros and for the over 8's it was MON grades examined by Ross
Pre-Grading was taken by Charles and sessions were run by Dan, Mike L and a returning Zhivko
We also had a treat during the session when recently re-patrated World Bronze medal winning judoka Mark Adams paid us a visit(with 5th placed Kylie too!)
Players who graded SHO are as follows
Cafan - 4th SHO(green)
Fran - 3rd SHO(orange)
Freddie - 1st SHO(red)
Wilem - 1st SHO(red)
Reuben - 4th SHO(green)
Oliver - 1st SHO(red)
Evelyn - 3rd SHO(orange)
Oscar - 2nd SHO(yellow)
Millie - 3rd SHO(orange)
Keisha - 2nd SHO(yellow)
Angus - 6th SHO(purple)
Jason - 3rd SHO(orange)
Beth - 3rd SHO(orange)

Players who graded MON are as follows

Alex - 1st Mon
Will - 2nd Mon
Isobel(bizzy) - 2nd Mon
Ethan - 3rd Mon
Oliver - TBC
Izzy - TBC
Guilia - TBC
Leo - TBC
Allan - 3rd Mon
Daisy - 2nd Mon
Erin - 4th Mon - Yellow Belt

Flo - TBC
Louis - 3rd Mon
Mia - 2nd Mon
Skyla - 3rd Mon
Oscar - 2nd Mon
Maria 'La Toro' - Yellow Belt
Georgia - 2nd Mon