Could you be our Newsletter Editor?

We have a vacancy for someone who would be willing to volunteer to become our Newsletter Editor,
Could that person be you?
It is envisaged that this person will produce a newsletter(consisting of two pages roughly) every 8 weeks initially or 6 issues throughout the year,
These issues will be primarily aimed at our Junior membership though not exclusively
Main Task To produce and develop the Network’s newsletter
Key Responsibilities:-
1. Consult with Drake Judo Club as a whole and carry out research for the content of the newsletter.
2. Encourage DJC members to contribute to articles.
3. Design, edit and contribute relevant and interesting content and appropriate images.
4. Distribute the newsletter to club members using email, and sent to a committee member for printing physical copies to be distributed at training
5. Forward by email relevant news to Devon County Judo, the Western Area Judo Newsletter Editor and the BJA nationally
5. Monitor reader statistics.
6. Attend selected committee meetings to provide feedback
If you think that you might be interested in this role and to discuss further, email me at or message me on social media