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  • Writer's pictureRoss Taylor

Introducing Our Newest Coach - Mike Askew

Drake Judo Club are please to announce that we have added Mike Askew to our coaching team,

Mike will initially be the refief coach, covering other coaches holidays where he's able, however we are hopeful of Mike having a new class of his own before the end of the year.

Mike has been involved in Judo for a number of years and has coach locally previously including delivering Judo sessions to children with special needs through the Plymouth based ACE organisation.

Mike or ''Yorkie as he's known(he's from the North) is a 1st Dan Black Belt and a UKCC Level 2 coach, meaning he has DBS, First Aid and Safeguarding Children course. Mike is an RAF veteran and had a career as a teacher before starting his own driving school ''Black Belt Academy''

Mike Nugent, Charles and I have previously trained with Mike and know he has a high technical ability and a solid Judo brain, I'm sure he will be a fantastic edition to our coaching team


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