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Information for members and parents concerning General Data Protection Regulations 2018



As many of you are aware, the regulations around how we hold and process your personal information is changing. Drake Judo Club has taken all relevant steps and guidance from the British Judo Association to ensure we are compliant and up to date with all policies, all of which are available to view on our website.


In accordance with these new regulations, we have had to update our current membership form. In order to make it simpler for both our members and ourselves, all those who have filled out a membership from before 25th May 2018 will not be required to fill out another form, however we will inform you of the changes we have made and if any of our members wish to change their previous answers/information, that can be done. Just let DJC Welfare Officer Cheryl Sutherland know and she can talk you through it.


The changes to our membership forms are as follows:


We have removed Facebook from the list of places where we sought permission to share photos of our members. In its place we have added social media in general (this will include Facebook still but also Twitter, Instagram, YouTube etc)


We appreciate you taking the time to read this and if you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact Cheryl at or at one of our sessions.


Drake Judo Club

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